Back in time

Black and white images were the first images available, but times have changed. Nevertheless, going back in time and viewing images in black and white sometimes lets us see texture and form, which could be obscured by color.

Anvil Cumulonimbus in the Blue Ridge Mountains

As beautiful as the Blue Ridge Mountains are, they meet their match with competing beauty in the sky as clouds form and change rapidly. In this photo, I captured an anvil cumulonimbus cloud with a rain shower in the distance. This is a panorama made of several photos to show the width of the cloud formation. This photo was taken along the Blue Ridge Parkway close to milepost 410.


Walk Bridge over Little River, DuPont State Forest, NC

This walk bridge crosses over Little River in DuPont State Forest. From Hooker Falls access area, visitors can walk over this bridge to hike to Triple Falls and High Falls.



